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Business coaching


Only 33% of stress symptoms are visible to others

Take the stress temperature of your company

Do you know how your employees feel?

Take the stress temperature in your company, find out how the situation really looks with the employees.

In the test, we create visibility on both the physical, mental and behavioral stress symptoms. The test is taken easily and simply online by the individual employee and takes only 10 minutes.

When the test is completed, I will create an overview of the individual employee and you will have a clear picture of whether stress is dominant for you. After the test, you will also be able to optimally support those who need it.

Start-up fee DKK 3,000 ex. VAT
+ DKK 125 per employee.

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Læs om længere ned om

  • Stress forebyggelses Workshop til dine medarbejder.
  • Stress test af medarbejder
  • Stress coaching til medarbejder

"We are a growing IT startup with employees spread over 3 locations in both Denmark and abroad. With a stress test of our entire organization, we took the "temperature" of our mental health and well-being. It has given us a unique insight into our employees and the company as a whole that we would not otherwise have had."
Business owner

"We got concrete measures for improvements - both each employee individually and collectively that can help to strengthen us together. We became aware of special areas that could benefit from being looked at and Marie came up with simple and straightforward methods"
Business owner


Er stress en udfordring for dine medarbejdere?

Tag temperaturen på stress i din virksomhed

Stress kan snige sig ind på os, uden at vi engang opdager det. En travl hverdag bliver vores nye normal, uden at vi ligger mærke til det begynder det at påvirke både vores sundhed og mentale trivsel. Stress kan have en negativ indvirkning på vores krop, selvværd og livsglæde, og det kan påvirke både os selv og vores omgivelser.

Hvis du som arbejdsgiver er bekymret for, om stress er en udfordring for dine medarbejdere, tilbyder jeg en gratis stresstest. Testen er digital og inkluderer to samtaler. Den første er for at bliver klogere på, hvad du som arbejdsgiver oplever samt det mere praktiske omkring testen. Efter testen følger en opfølgende samtale, hvor vi gennemgår resultatet sammen.

Så hvis du ønsker at få klarhed over, hvorvidt stress er en faktor i dine medarbejderes liv, tøv ikke med at kontakte mig for at booke stresstest i dag. Jeg er her for at støtte dig og dine medarbejdere på vejen mod et mere afbalanceret og stressfrit arbejdsmiljø.

Priser starter ved 3.000 DKK pr. gruppe af Max 20 personer + 100 DKK pr. person. Alle priser er ekskl. moms

Kontakt mig i dag for at planlægge stress testen, der vil give et unikt indblik i din virksomheds medarbejder trivsel.

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Prevent stress

workshop on stress and prevention

Here, employees will learn about:
What stress is.
How it occurs.
What they themselves can do to minimize stress and strengthen their system and body.

The employees will be presented with a number of tools that can support them in their everyday life. After this workshop, the employees are able to do a large part of the preventive work against stress themselves.

Course, from 3 hours, consisting of mixed teaching and dialogue as well as independent and joint tasks.

From DKK 6,000 ex. VAT per workshop

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Has stress become the new normal?


  • Stress is among the biggest disease factors in the world.
  • In Denmark, it is believed that over 500,000 Danes feel burnt out at work due to stress.
  • Every day, 35,000 Danes are on sick leave due to a psychologically poor working environment.
  • 250,000 - 300,000 experience symptoms of stress every day.
  • There are 30,000 hospital admissions per year due to stress.
  • 1.5 million extra days of absence are used per year due to stress
  • Stress affects mixed and across age and professional groups.
  • Stress is among the primary causes of reduced job satisfaction.

to the individual employee

Stress course

Stress courses are for employees who feel that they are under pressure, those who have already called in sick or for those who have returned after a stressful sick call. The course grasps and supports the individual in their needs and works to change patterns so that the employee does not experience stress as a recurring challenge.

The sessions can take place in my clinic online or at your place.

All stress courses consist of a minimum of 10 sessions
of duration: 40 - 60 minutes. Depending on the client's needs.
I always have follow up between sessions.
Price 10,500 ex VAT

Extra sessions can be purchased as needed.

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What is the cost of stress beyond the human consequences?


- Absence due to stress costs Danish society DKK 14 billion. DKK annually

- It can cost up to DKK 1 million to have an employee on long-term sick leave

- When terminating and hiring a new employee, it costs 35-100% of the annual salary.


about me

Marie Sodemann Rasmussen

My name is Marie, I am a certified Master Life & Business Coach from Denmark's leading coach training with Sofia Manning. In addition, I have specialized in stress, the Enneagram and shadow coaching.

I help individuals and companies to prevent stress and increase well-being. I help to break patterns and habits so that stress does not become a recurring problem for the individual!

I see again and again that we live with severe stress symptoms as part of everyday life. This has consequences for companies and people.
Have stress symptoms really become the norm?

If you have any questions, contact us through the form or call 60 80 39 53

