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Happy Heart Coach


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Happy Heart Coach

The care and support are paramount also between your sessions.

happy heart coach

Coaching, Reiki Healing, Velvære og livstil

Marie Sodemann Rasmussen

reiki healing

Klienter på Reiki Forløb


Klient "Jeg kan mærke at jeg er gladere, min mand kan også mærke en forandring hos mig. Og så har det taget toppen af mine smerter"

Klient "Jeg har haft svært ved at sove. Efter min Reiki Healings sessioner oplever jeg en dyb ro og jeg er sikker på at det er healingen der her hjulpet mig til at sove bedre om natten. Dette er virkelig en tilfredsstillede måde at opleve bedring på."

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Personal development


1:1 course adapted to your needs.
Some clients know what they want to work on when they start, others don't, but can just sense that something doesn't feel right and want help to be guided in their right direction. What both have in common is that after a coaching course they experience greater peace, joy and self-esteem.

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Reiki Healing

Reiki healing originally comes from Japan, but is widespread in the rest of the world. The Reiki healer channels universal life energy into you and gives you more energy, inner peace and activates your self-healing powers so that you can "recharge".
During a healing, you simply have to enjoy and relax.

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Stress course & test

Are you stressed, burnt out, exhausted or something inside you just feels completely wrong?

Do not hesitate to have a non-binding chat about you and your situation. Call or text 60 80 39 53 - Answer time within 24 hours on weekdays.

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Events & Courses

Is for everyone who wants to learn more about themselves and is willing to work with themselves.

Here you can sniff, feel and experience different forms of self-development. We will be together in a group and the dynamic and energy that arises when there are more of us together is magical.
At all my events and courses, you will experience insight, learning, well-being and pampering

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Danish & Handmade

Your personal Krystal bracelet

Get your very personal bracelet made with an accompanying mantra that helps you stay focused on your wishes and dreams. You are involved in the process to get the best match for you.

Also perfect for a personalized gift. Create a bracelet for someone you love or let them create their own.

reiki healing

Forløbs Klienter fra Coaching


klient "Det er virkelig et dejligt forløb, der er som balsam for sjæl og krop. Marie er et mega fantastisk menneske der inspirerer, guider og griber en på så mange områder. Forløbet er tilrettelagt med en plan fra start, og det kan jeg rigtig godt lide."

Klient "Hele forløbet har hjulpet mig til at forstå at jeg er nød til at have mig selv med også"

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Find me here

Happy Heart Coach
Garboparken 48, 4550 Asnæs, Denmark

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