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Stress Coaching


STRESS COACHING et forløb tilpasset dig

People with stress are not weak,
people with stress have been strong for too long.

Do you already know that you have stress?
Are you on your way to stress?
Or is there just something in you that feels completely wrong?

Then a stress course might be something for you.

The stress course is more flexible than my regular coaching courses. You get access to 10 hours which are used during sessions and on follow-up between sessions. You can expect your sessions to be between 40 - 60 minutes long. All to take really good care of you.

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ER jeg stresset?

tag en stress test

Stress er noget mange langsomt bevægere sig ud i. en presser hverdag bliver det nye normal og mange opdager det ikke før at deres kort hus vælder og enden nu flere vil ikke se det! Men stress slider ufattelig på vores krop, give os dårligt selvværd og være en prøvelse for mennesker omkring os.

Så er du i tvivl op du her stress eller måske har du mistanke om at være på vej i den "forkert" retning så kan du hos mig få lavet en stresstest.

Når vi ser på stress symptomer kommer de til udtryk på 3 forskellige måder adfærdsmæssigt, kropsligt og mentalt. i hver kategorien er der 20 spørgsmål altså i alt 60 spørgsmål der besvares digitalt.

Stress testen er gratis og vil altid indeholde en samtale før testen og en opfølgende samtale, hvor vi gennemgår dine svar.
- Sammen kortlægger vi dine udfordringer og det der gør det svært lige der, hvor du er nu.

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Klient for forløb


"At Marie, I got the support I needed to find my footing again. I have become happier and really work to see things on the positive side."

"I have become very aware of myself and I have learned to know my needs so that I can have the energy to be there for my children all day and without feeling burnt out. Some needs, thoughts and feelings I didn't know I had."

"I have gained a very clear awareness of more things than I had before we started. From having been through a very difficult life situation, I suddenly gained so much insight, joy and peace that things resolved in a completely different direction than I otherwise had foreseen."

stress coaching holbæk

10 hours of cutting cards

stress coaching on clipboards

Before we start your course, you will be tested beforehand, that way we make sure that you get the right help and support.

You will not experience being coached until you are ready for it. Instead, we create calmness, an overview and a strong foundation in you so that you come out safely and well from your stress or inner turmoil. When you are well out of the stress, the coaching starts, it creates awareness and insights in such a way that you don't have to fall back into old patterns and get stressed again and again.

Your sessions can be with me in the clinic or online. There will always be written follow-ups between sessions to give you the optimal support for you.

You receive a personalized gift composed of my products in the shop to support you and I share my physical tools with you

Price: NOK 9,000 including VAT

Possibility of installment payment:
of 4 pcs. price per rate NOK 2600 including VAT

The stress coaching process is only possible after a telephone conversation, book a non-binding conversation.

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If you have any questions, contact us in the form or call 60 80 39 53


How can you relieve stress?

Relieving stress through stress coaching involves a holistic approach that aims to identify, understand and deal with stress in an individual and sustainable way. Here are some ways stress coaching can help relieve stress:

  1. Identifying stress factors: Through the collaboration in sessions, I help you identify and understand the specific factors that contribute to stress. This can include work-related challenges, personal relationships or major life changes.
  2. Personal strategies: Together we develop tailored strategies to deal with stress. This can include effective stress management methods, time management techniques, and mindfulness that fit your unique needs.
  3. Increased awareness of thought patterns: Stress coaching can help create awareness around negative thought patterns and automatic responses that can reinforce stress. By identifying and challenging these patterns, you can learn to reframe your thoughts more positively.
  4. Prevention of future stress: In addition to managing current stress, stress coaching focuses on building resilience to prevent future stress reactions.
stress test

about me

Marie Sodemann Rasmussen

My name is Marie, I am a certified Master Life & Business Coach from Denmark's leading coach training with Sofia Manning. In addition, I have specialized in stress, the Enneagram and shadow coaching.

I help individuals and companies to prevent stress and increase well-being. I help to break patterns and habits so that stress does not become a recurring problem for the individual!

I see again and again that we live with severe stress symptoms as part of everyday life. This has consequences for companies and people.
Have stress symptoms really become the norm?

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Frequently asked questions about stress coaching
